
Disclaimer of Responsibility for NFT Uploads

Users of the OOX marketplace are entirely responsible for the content they upload and publish on the platform. OOX assumes no responsibility for any violations of intellectual property rights, copyrights, trademarks, or any other legal infringements resulting from the content uploaded by users. Each user must ensure that their content does not violate any laws or third-party rights. In the event of legal disputes, the user who uploaded the content will be solely responsible.

The OOX team is solely responsible for the proper functioning of the platform and cannot manage or control the material uploaded by users. Therefore, OOX cannot be held liable for the content published by users.

Disclaimer of Responsibility for Third-Party Tokens

Users of the OOX marketplace should be aware that there is no legal relationship between OOX and the projects that own the third-party tokens, other than a simple economic agreement based on a fee declared and agreed upon prior to the availability of the tokens on OOX. OOX cannot guarantee the stability or continuous availability of the tokens offered on its marketplace. Therefore, OOX assumes no responsibility for any losses or inconveniences arising from the use or unavailability of third-party tokens.

Disclaimer of Liability

The OOX platform assumes no responsibility for the listed tokens. Purchasing NFTs or SFTs using such tokens is solely the user’s choice, and they bear all associated risks. The value and success of a token depend entirely on its creators and not on the OnionX team. The platform does not guarantee or endorse the stability, reliability, or future performance of any listed token. Users are advised to conduct their own research before making any transactions.

Disclaimer of Responsibility for Blockchain Technology and Volatility

Users of the OOX marketplace should be aware that blockchain technology, including the MultiversX blockchain, is subject to high volatility.
The OOX team cannot determine market fluctuations or make market predictions. Consequently, the prices of NFTs may fluctuate in relation to the price of the EGLD coin and related ESDT tokens hosted on the marketplace. OOX assumes no responsibility for any losses or inconveniences arising from market fluctuations or the unavailability of tokens.

Legal and Liability Disclaimer about Multiversx collections

The OOX platform is open to all collections on the MultiversX network but assumes no responsibility for their potential failure. OOX is only accountable for collaborative collections, which can be found on the dedicated page of the official OnionX website.

All responsibilities related to collections, including any benefits, lie solely with the respective communities, founders, and owners of the collections. Users are encouraged to conduct their own due diligence before making any purchases or investments.